I am a scholar of American religion and culture in the Department of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University. My scholarship focuses on material and visual cultures of religion, particularly in relation to visual regimes of race and nation, and traverses disciplinary frameworks of visual studies, American studies, and religious studies. My book, A Communion of Shadows: Religion and Photography in Nineteenth-Century America, is published by the University of North Carolina Press and features a companion digital collection with Material and Visual Cultures of Religion at Yale University. My current research explores race and religion as grammars of American citizenship in twentieth-century visual arts.
I am co-director of Lived Religion in the Digital Age, an interdisciplinary research and teaching initiative supported by generous funding from the Henry Luce Foundation. This project grows out Arch City Religion, a digital collection of religious life and practice in St. Louis built through collaborative undergraduate research at Saint Louis University.
Please peruse the content on this site for publications, teaching material, and speaking engagements. For questions or media inquiries, including those related to Lived Religion in the Digital Age, please contact me at rachel (dot) lindsey (at) slu (dot) edu or follow me on Twitter.
Associate Professor of American Religion || Co-Director of Lived Religion in the Digital Age || Department of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University